Puppy Feet (and updates)

Dear family and fans. I had an inspiration from my wife to write about puppy feet, they really are a lot of fun, and to paraphrase the rhyming master, the places they’ll go with you are innumerable.

First some updates. My wife and I are currently in Arkansas. It’s been a very busy year for me in the ICUs I’ve traveled to. Being in Arkansas is very nice for both of us. I get to see more of the country and we both get to visit with my wife’s lovely family. We’ve been to several National Parks this Summer and Autumn, and we are both enjoying the colder weather and looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas.

In addition to the busy-ness of everyday life, I am making excellent progress on the next addition to the Sleeping Dragon Publications library. This will be the first book written and illustrated by the Dragon Tamer himself- yours truly. There’s still a lot of work to be done, but we’re enjoying the journey.

Thank you for your continued support of Sleeping Dragon Publications and now back to puppy feet.

My wife. My wife is a big fan of small things, or as she likes to say “smol.” This is mostly endearing, but she has a point, small things can be a lot of fun. I am personally a fan of small knives, small coffee cups, and small books. The thing that has been capturing our eyes the most lately are our puppy’s small feet.

I remember one of the first hikes I did with our doggo Winston. He was barely 6 months old. I was living in Colorado at the time, and I had recently adopted him from a woman who was fostering him in Colorado Springs. He was such a sweet little pup. Let me tell you, house-training was rough. But boy did he like to hike.

I knew right away that our relationship was going to be special when we went up to the mountains one cold sunny day. I was hoping to do some snow-shoeing, but unfortunately the snow wasn’t deep enough for that and we had to hike instead. We found ourselves trudging through the trees and discovered a clearing with no one around for miles. I let him off the leash and he started zooming around like a bat out of hell- as the saying goes. He was moving his little puppy feet and tucking his bottom so close to the ground he was making tracks in it like a Dachshund’s belly. We hiked so much that first year and his little puppy feet took him everywhere.

Not only have his little feet been on a lot of hiking trails with me and my bride, but they have been in a few rivers, in four National Parks and a few National Historic sites. They’ve destroyed one of my couches because he got the zoomies and was using the back of it to bank off while he ran across it in my small apartment. I loved that couch. 

Sometimes when I’m sitting on the small section of couch he allows me, he stretches out on the rest of it and I’ll tickle the hairs in between the pads on his feet. My wife calls me a “jerk” for doing it and Winston certainly gives me a look of betrayal, but I keep doing it because his feet are so funny. I especially like when he’s having a good dream. His tail starts wagging and then his little feet start moving back and forth like he’s running after something. He loves playing fetch so much that I just imagine he’s dreaming of getting that squeaky ball.

Probably one of the most difficult things about his puppy feet is when he gets up on the bed in the middle of the night, uninvited of course, and starts spreading out between me and my wife. He likes to lie on his side and push with his feet against whoever is in the way so he can get a nice big spot for his “nest” between us. This doesn’t allow for much room for us on the bed, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world

His puppy feet have gone to so many places with us. The memories of having him at different parks, or just with us on our travels, are really heart-warming. But the place I love having his puppy feet the most? Well, I just like having them here with us, in our home.

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2 Thoughts to “Puppy Feet (and updates)

  1. This was just what I needed. Refreshing and very well written. …but also hard to read as a lot of these same memories of Mika came crashing back. We miss you guys! Give “Wonton” a big belly rub for me!

    1. Thank you!!!
      Aw…I do miss that little lady. What a good pupper. We will give him all the belly rubs. 🙂

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